November 12, 2021
My friend, Rob Thorpe, sent me a blog he wrote on the death of his father-in-law. He was struck when the funeral director said to them, "Now what four words do you want on his grave-marker?" This particular gravestone, aside from the name and dates, only allowed four words to sum up an entire life.
In fact, Rob said, the sobering realization for him was that when you die you don’t get to decide this summation of your life—those closest to you do! How they perceive your whole life is summed up in just a few words.
Paul writes greetings to the church in Rome and gives us a quick summary of multiple friends in the closing chapter of Romans. Notice the synopsis of their lives as he speaks of them.
(Romans 16:1-13)
My mother’s tombstone carries seven words: “Jesus is all the world to me.” My siblings and I felt no words could better describe her than that line from the old hymn.
If those around you described you in a phrase, what would they say? Take a moment and prayerfully write down what you hope they would say, and then ask Christ to give you grace to fulfill that description for the glory of God.
Father, how do You want my legacy to read? Would you help me see your epitaph for me? And then, Creator and Designer, would you give me grace to live up to what You desire?
February 06, 2025
When God begins working in our hearts, we often think it is just on our end. But God is not limited by time, geography, or power. He is working all the time in multiple places.
February 05, 2025
Many people struggle with the assurance of their salvation, which is one reason an entire book of the Bible (1 John) is devoted to this theme. Here is John’s statement about why the Holy Spirit wrote 1 John through him.
February 04, 2025
There are adjustments that must be made if you desire to live in the presence of God all day long. There must be a turning from and a turning to.