by Bill Elliff
June 30, 2023
Paul did everything by prayer. Not some things or most things. The secret of his power and usefulness was that he was a man of such clear understanding and humility who knew he must pray without ceasing—prayer with no intermission.
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by Bill Elliff
May 19, 2023
The world is a place of constant warfare for those who follow Christ. God loves people. This love drives Him to “seek and save those who are lost.” He longs to bring people into the glorious Kingdom that He created for us. And His true followers are His boots on the ground.
Our Enemy is 100% evil and incessantly seeking to block the advancement of God’s kingdom ...
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by Bill Elliff
April 20, 2023
What will the sentence read about you in your troubles?
“He took revenge.” “He lived in anger and frustration.” “He was constantly afraid.” “He tried to work it out on his own.” “He got bitter.” “He lived in anxiety and fear.”
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by Bill Elliff
April 04, 2023
Everyone agrees that prayer is important, but few pray. We do what we think is valuable. We will make almost any adjustment to get what we think will bring meaning and purpose to our lives. So, if we are not really praying, it is apparent that we do not consider it as important as God declares that it is. (He spoke of it over 600 times in the Bible!)
So, why should we pray?
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by Bill Elliff
March 10, 2023
Is prayer a nice thing to do? Something we resort to when we are in a serious situation? A word to describe one of the disciplines of the Christian life? Secondary, but not really all that essential? Something we do as a segue between songs on a Sunday morning? Or is it the essence? The foundation? The fragrance that is to pervade everything for the serious follower of Jesus? The ultimate pathway to communion with God and the source of life and power for all we are and do?
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by Bill Elliff
January 26, 2023
I have stood many times in the Garden of Gethsemane, and I am always speechless. It is a sacred place, for this is where the final battle was won by our Savior. The cross and the tomb were outcomes of a prayer time. Without Gesthemane, there might not have been a cross and an empty tomb. The Garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane are inextricably linked: bookends of our sin and God’s solution.
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by Bill Elliff
January 21, 2023
Recently the Lord asked me this question: “Do you believe in Me enough to believe that if you never preached or wrote again, your PRAYING could accomplish just as much for My glory?” It was a sobering thought, and a prayer-elevating thought. For prayer brings God into the equation and can do anything God can do.
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by Bill Elliff
January 15, 2023
Do you want to give a present to God that delights Him? Would you like to see His eyes light up with joy? It is incredible that this is possible, but we can, and the writer of Proverbs tells us how.
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by Bill Elliff
December 23, 2022
If you want to know how to pray for your family, for those you love, and for fellow disciples of Jesus Christ, here it is.
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by Bill Elliff
November 07, 2022
Of all the stunning things about Christ, one of the most compelling is this: Jesus speaks. John describes Him beautifully in the opening chapter of His gospel as the Word that was in the beginning and that continues to communicate to us even now. His voice, like yours, is one of the ways we come to know Him.
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by Bill Elliff
October 21, 2022
I do not pretend to understand all of this. But one thing this illustrates: there are things that God plans to do through prayer that He will not do any other way. (Read that sentence again and think about it personally—for your life and ministry).
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by Bill Elliff
October 18, 2022
When you gaze on Christ (and you must), you observe a life of perfect serenity. We look at Him as He was on earth and see a man that was never in a hurry but always on time. His withdrawing was an essential part of His balanced life.
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