by Bill Elliff
January 08, 2024
There is a devious deception that lies at the root of all of our struggles in life. It has been planted there by the Father of all lies and is cultivated and watered almost daily by him.
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by Bill Elliff
December 11, 2023
We are overwhelmed with our narrow view of every common day, but lift your eyes! See the great work of heaven. God rules!
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by Bill Elliff
November 29, 2023
There is no way that man can comprehend or articulate God. Were it not for the God-breathed Scripture that describes Him and the indwelling Spirit in true believers that explains Him, we would be clueless. But His Word and His Spirit make Him known with breathtaking clarity.
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by Bill Elliff
November 14, 2023
We think we’re very big, but in reality, we are still the creatures, and God is the Creator. When we forget that is when the trouble begins.
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by Bill Elliff
October 25, 2023
It's hard to read the book of Job. Hard to understand God allowing Satan a temporary injunction to afflict this godly man so terribly. But God is proving something in this experience. He is answering questions that we all must have answered and giving us the ultimate hope.
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by Bill Elliff
June 24, 2020
We somehow think that God is far removed from the political scene. That men just do what they want, and God is nowhere to be found. But we forget the record in Scripture of how God moved upon leaders of many nations to accomplish His purposes.
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by Bill Elliff
June 04, 2020
If is easy to forget God, which is our greatest problem. We become consumed with our daily lives and begin to believe that we are the center of the universe, that no one can quite make it without us. The remedy for this is to read our Bibles to see God, to gaze long at Christ, (who was God in human flesh), and to be awed by God in creation. To remember who God is.
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by Bill Elliff
April 17, 2020
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