by Bill Elliff
October 09, 2024
Where has your life been and where is it now? God is the God of new beginnings. Regardless of where your life has been, if you come to Him in faith, He can make all things new.
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by Bill Elliff
October 22, 2020
We are faced in this life with suffering. Our physical bodies are the laboratory for this suffering because they are designed to leave this world. Each cell in our bodies is coded with a certain number of times that cell will divide and then it stops dividing and dies. God has literally numbered our days on this earth.
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by Bill Elliff
August 31, 2019
All of us face some measure of suffering in this life. It could be a physical challenge, a hard ministry task, an overwhelming and perplexing difficulty, a persecution for our faith, a deep burden, or simply the rigors of living a life of determined godliness.
For some, this suffering is more intense. Paul was one of those who faced grave suffering in order to complete the task of the gospel that was entrusted to him. Yet, he was able to face it with courage and even joy. How?
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by Bill Elliff
September 01, 2018
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by Bill Elliff
October 04, 2014
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