by Bill Elliff May 03, 2021
Although he was a godly and greatly used man of God, King David sinned grievously. For all time, his failure with Bathsheba has been recorded as a tragic warning.
But David’s confession was just as public. Spurgeon said a man could be used again when his confession is as notorious as his sin.
by Bill Elliff November 11, 2020
Your conscience is your "self-knower." It is that intangible part of you that helps you know where you are spiritually, both before God and others.
If we violate what is right, our conscience tells us. As a believer, this is the Holy Spirit’s work in us called “conviction.” This is a wonderful provision by God, unless we have so violated over the years that our conscience is "seared" i.e., it has become hardened and scarred and unable to function properly.
by Bill Elliff May 22, 2020
by Bill Elliff September 07, 2019