by Bill Elliff January 05, 2024
by Bill Elliff February 16, 2022
by Bill Elliff August 12, 2021
by Bill Elliff November 11, 2020
Your conscience is your "self-knower." It is that intangible part of you that helps you know where you are spiritually, both before God and others.
If we violate what is right, our conscience tells us. As a believer, this is the Holy Spirit’s work in us called “conviction.” This is a wonderful provision by God, unless we have so violated over the years that our conscience is "seared" i.e., it has become hardened and scarred and unable to function properly.
by Bill Elliff August 04, 2020
We are enamored by wealth. Commercials promise it, television shows us the biggest homes and fanciest cars, and we are amazed. Wall street records the richest business tycoons. But we are using a false measure of wealth.
The humblest believer who has recognized his poverty and come to Christ and received salvation has more than the wealthiest among us. He has the kingdom of heaven.
by Bill Elliff May 13, 2020
There is something more deadly than your worst enemy, more lethal than poison. And it is on front page display in our nation and often in our own lives.
Pride is the mother of all sins. The thought that I am the sum of everything … that I made things, achieved things on my own, have a right to honor and recognition, should be thought well of by others...the list goes on and on. It’s all pride. And it’s all deadly.
by Bill Elliff April 13, 2020
It is the common, national pastime to laugh at and ridicule our leaders. To castigate anyone who disagrees with us and seek to destroy them. To exalt their sins and weakness instead of praying for them (as Paul instructed in 1 Timothy 2). Not so with David.
Because David honored others, others honored him, and, most importantly, God honored him also. It would raise the spiritual and emotional temperature of our nation if we would follow the example of this great king and the ultimate King who “when reviled, reviled not again.”