by Bill Elliff
January 24, 2025
Each of us has a higher job description, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is not determined by man but by God. He made us in His image—fearfully and wonderfully. He designed us like He is so we can join Him in what He does. Each man and woman has a specific sphere over which they are to lead and oversee … and we will one day give an account of what we’ve done.
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by Bill Elliff
November 07, 2022
Of all the stunning things about Christ, one of the most compelling is this: Jesus speaks. John describes Him beautifully in the opening chapter of His gospel as the Word that was in the beginning and that continues to communicate to us even now. His voice, like yours, is one of the ways we come to know Him.
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by Bill Elliff
September 06, 2021
The whole point of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 24 is to clear up our misunderstandings of the second coming of Christ and get us ready. If you want to know the exact time of His coming, you will be disappointed, for only the Father knows that hour.
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by Bill Elliff
December 30, 2018
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