by Bill Elliff
March 25, 2024
Everyone has old information in their minds. And, "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). The information, opinions, beliefs, and values accumulated in our minds determine everything we do.
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by Bill Elliff
January 19, 2024
When someone asks me the key to continual growth and spiritual maturity in the Christian life, it doesn’t take a milli-second to answer: It is the daily practice of meeting with God every morning through His Word and prayer.
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by Bill Elliff
January 01, 2024
Satan’s great agenda is to get us to delight in everything but God. Like he tried to do with the man, Jesus, in the wilderness, he dangles his delights before our eyes, tempting us to live for lesser things.
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by Bill Elliff
June 28, 2023
The Apostle Paul reminded us in Ephesians 6 that the devil has schemes. These are not random but deliberate and strategic methods he uses to keep us from God. To “steal, kill, and destroy” people.
One of the massive tools he has used, particularly since the 1950s, is SCREENS (Television, movies, phones, internet … you name it). He has made mindless entertainment so accessible that very few can resist.
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by Bill Elliff
August 11, 2022
Americans are world-class eaters. Some estimates are that the annual expenditure in the United States for all food is $1.1 trillion. We love to eat and go to extraordinary means to consume what we want. Eating provides the nutrition to live, but it’s also a means of satisfaction on a daily basis.
What we don’t realize is that there is a food group we’re missing that is the source of not only the greatest nutritional value but the highest joy. It’s estimated that less than 10% of Americans eat this food daily, even though it’s readily available.
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by Bill Elliff
July 14, 2022
It’s a good question. Everything a follower of Christ believes, they believe because of one book: the Bible. So, if the Bible is not trustworthy, we may be believing a lie.
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by Bill Elliff
May 30, 2022
Habits can be terribly bad or wonderfully good. The Psalmist's prayer was for a good habit. In fact, the best of all habits. The entirety of Psalm 119 is intended to convince us of the unbelievable value of listening to God through His Word and then following His directives.
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by Bill Elliff
March 30, 2021
It takes almost no energy for us to forget what God has done. There is enough pride in our hearts and distraction in our world to pull us away quickly from understanding God’s activity in our history and His directives for our lives.
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by Bill Elliff
January 12, 2021
The world is filled with people who supposedly speak for God. They were present in Job’s day, and they are everywhere present today. But are they telling us the truth?
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by Bill Elliff
December 10, 2020
Every follower of Christ has some belief that he should read the Bible. But for many, it is an optional exercise. In reality it is indispensable. Paul convinces us of this in two brief verses to his young son in the faith, Timothy.
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by Bill Elliff
July 01, 2020
There are many responsibilities outlined in a pastor's job description. But there is one that stands above all the rest: He is to be a student and communicator of God's Word to his people.
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by Bill Elliff
May 20, 2020
We love our own way. Because of this self-affinity and pride, we have an aversion to those who point in a different direction, particularly if it becomes personal. Our nation right now has a very sharp division. Without question, those who take a Biblical worldview can expect to be hated and even persecuted for their beliefs.
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