by Bill Elliff
December 08, 2021
The great miracle of Christianity is that there is a fundamental change that occurs when we come to faith in Christ. There are two changes that happen to a believer that are both judicial (dealing with the problem of the guilt of our sin) and practical (dealing with the problem of our power over sin in our daily life.
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by Bill Elliff
December 02, 2020
Every problem in our lives and in our world is a result of man's rebellion against the One who made Him. Since Adam’s sin in the Garden, every man has been sinful and separated from God at their birth. We are sinners and we have sinned continually. And the penalty for sin is always separation from God. (see Romans 6:23). This separation makes us incapable of living as we were designed to live.
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by Bill Elliff
November 12, 2019
True believers live in two worlds. Wise believers have increasingly released their hold on this world knowing that the next is far more valuable. They see themselves as "strangers and exiles on the earth.”
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by Bill Elliff
November 11, 2019
All of us live with lots of fear in life. One of the greatest fears is “Do I have what it takes?” We want to know—as a man/woman, dad/mom, husband/wife, employee/employer, student/teacher—do I have what it takes to do what’s required?
The answer of course, is “no.” On your own you are completely incapable. In fact, Jesus said that, apart from Him, you could do nothing (John 15).
But with Him, we can do anything! “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me,” Paul said (Philippians 4:13).
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by Bill Elliff
November 10, 2018
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by Bill Elliff
August 23, 2014
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