by Bill Elliff
May 16, 2023
God made us in His image, but He knows we have been marred by the fall. He longs for us to experience the freedom and beauty of such holiness, and He plans to return us there. He wants to return us to holiness. To conform us to the image of His Son. But how does this process work?
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by Bill Elliff
September 04, 2019
Giving encouragement and healthy applause to one you are mentoring is one of the most life-changing things you will ever do. Everyone you know (including yourself) wonders if they have what it takes—if they’ll make it and succeed in what matters. For your children, those you’re are discipling, your mate, your co-worker to hear your confidence in them is huge.
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by Bill Elliff
May 31, 2019
When is a train free to run? When it's on the tracks or off the tracks? On the tracks, it can move at incredible speed with perfect freedom, doing exactly what it was created to do. Off the tracks, it's unable to run as designed.
We were designed, as C.S. Lewis said, to run on God. His path is the track that liberates us. That is why veering away from His will is so laborious and leads to incredible bondage.
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by Bill Elliff
May 30, 2014
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