by Bill Elliff
November 27, 2024
For the followers of Christ, civil disobedience is similar but very different. The true Christian is committed to a higher God and his higher law. When a believer is asked to do something that is clearly contrary to Scripture, they have the right and responsibility to disobey human authority to be faithful to a higher God.
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by Bill Elliff
August 15, 2024
The world is not worthy of men to whom passion for Jesus and others is not a passing fad but an enduring, growing lifestyle all the way to the end.
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by Bill Elliff
June 10, 2024
People cannot believe in Christ if we do not testify of Christ. It’s as simple and as sobering as that.
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by Bill Elliff
February 15, 2024
Paul was afraid as he ministered in the city of Corinth. The reason we can believe this is because Jesus doesn't waste words. He comes to him in Acts 18 with an encouragement that addresses his fear.
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by Bill Elliff
February 05, 2024
When some folks leave, there is a bitter aftertaste, a sad reminder of an encounter that didn’t go well. Such moments are usually marked by what they said or didn’t say and how they dealt with you.
The best part of the conversation with some folks is, sadly, when they say, “Goodbye!” They left us discouraged, humiliated, confused, angry, hurt. Or, their time with us gave us nothing at all. Unmemorable and empty.
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by Bill Elliff
December 27, 2023
No follower of Christ needs to wonder at their task now. We have our commission with authority and clarity. We should rise every day to our task and, in the final hours of each day, evaluate what has been accomplished in our great mission that Christ Himself has given us.
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by Bill Elliff
December 04, 2023
How do I know if my witness to others will make any difference? Most of us are timid about our faith with others. It just takes a slight suggestion in our mind of "they're probably not interested" for us to keep our mouths closed. If you wonder about this, look at Jonah.
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by Bill Elliff
May 19, 2023
The world is a place of constant warfare for those who follow Christ. God loves people. This love drives Him to “seek and save those who are lost.” He longs to bring people into the glorious Kingdom that He created for us. And His true followers are His boots on the ground.
Our Enemy is 100% evil and incessantly seeking to block the advancement of God’s kingdom ...
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by Bill Elliff
May 08, 2023
Wise humans spend time each morning prioritizing the work of their day. We can get consumed by the tyranny of the urgent and miss the most important things. Many things are important, but what is of FIRST IMPORTANCE? What is the most necessary thing for us and all those God puts in the sphere of our lives? What is the one thing we must know and experience before all other important things are even possible?
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by Bill Elliff
February 06, 2023
What happens when you combine a desperate man, a revealing Christ, and a courageous messenger?
A changed life.
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by Bill Elliff
January 30, 2023
What is the most life-changing truth anyone can ever hear? The Bible calls it “the gospel,” which means “good news.” It is the Divine message designed for everyone to hear and share. And it is the news that ignites the faith that leads to eternal deliverance and forgiveness for those who believe.
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by Bill Elliff
November 18, 2022
Does someone around you need to hear about Christ today? The Biblical record indicates that God wants to use us constantly to lead people to Himself. But our usefulness depends upon our willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit. He alone knows where we should be, who we should speak to, and what the results will be.
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