by Bill Elliff
October 17, 2023
What do I love more than I love Christ? Regardless of what He says and how He warns, what love am I unwilling to forsake? It is a recipe for disaster, not only for me but those around me and it could have ramifications for years.
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by Bill Elliff
June 21, 2022
This is a consistent principle that God speaks to us repeatedly: if you have an affection for something God has forbidden, it will gradually turn your heart to the god behind that affection. You will not be a man after God's own heart like David was, but a man whose heart is turned away after other gods, like Solomon.
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by Bill Elliff
May 15, 2020
If you want the possibility of losing it all and affecting many generations that follow you, hold tightly to your sin. If you long for an enduring legacy of a faithful life until the end, release the hold on your sin. It cannot substitute for what God can give.
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by Bill Elliff
June 13, 2018
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