by Bill Elliff February 05, 2024
When some folks leave, there is a bitter aftertaste, a sad reminder of an encounter that didn’t go well. Such moments are usually marked by what they said or didn’t say and how they dealt with you.
The best part of the conversation with some folks is, sadly, when they say, “Goodbye!” They left us discouraged, humiliated, confused, angry, hurt. Or, their time with us gave us nothing at all. Unmemorable and empty.
by Bill Elliff March 05, 2023
Tend days ago the doors were closed at midnight in Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University. It was the final service open to the public in what had been an unbelievable 16-day, 24/7 invasion of God upon the campus. Students came from over 200 campuses across the nation out of their thirst for God. The final Collegiate Day of Prayer broadcast went to millions across the world.
But is the revival over?
by Bill Elliff November 18, 2022