by Bill Elliff
June 22, 2023
They’re everywhere. Foolish people dominate the airwaves and are present in our homes, schools, churches, and workplaces. They can even be right inside our own clothes. Everyone has chosen a foolish path at times. And sadly, some have taken up permanent residence in that destructive house.
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by Bill Elliff
May 19, 2021
God indicates that withdrawal from others is usually because someone “seeks his own desire.” In other words, it’s about them. They want to have what they want to have (quiet, comfort, lack of accountability, lack of interaction with others). This may not seem sinful, but any direction we take that is merely about us is always unwise.
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by Bill Elliff
November 05, 2019
All of us are foolish at times, and we’re all capable of becoming foolish. Every leader must evaluate first his own life, to see if he/she is acting or living foolishly. A wise leader pursues God fervently and humbly, which is to pursue wisdom. But also, a wise leader must know how to recognize and deal with foolish people, particularly those who are causing discord, contention, and strife.
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by Bill Elliff
July 08, 2019
We all know it, but we rarely stop to think before we speak. The tongue is powerful. With it, James said, we can bless God and curse men. Our speech today can lift people up, bringing life, or tear them down, bringing death. It can bring life or death to others and to us.
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by Bill Elliff
July 05, 2019
He lifts our heads. He reaches down to the one who is “downcast” and gently lifts our head. How He does this, only He can know.
And when we look up, we see the face of Him who is always there. The One who never sleeps nor slumbers. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Our shield, our glory, our Rock, our Defender, our Comforter. The very sight of Him is all we need for we quickly realize that our problems are not beyond His reach and our illness is not beyond His healing. Whatever we face, He will provide sufficient grace.
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by Bill Elliff
June 28, 2019
Wise men SEEK understanding … from God and from other people. It is the mark of real wisdom to listen so that you can get at the real issues before you make your conclusions.
Not so with a fool. He is so proud that he doesn’t listen to anybody. He thinks that his way is always right and so he doesn’t pursue understanding. What he does want to do is give everyone around him his own thinking.
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