by Bill Elliff
January 29, 2025
It is not something that everyone possesses. Sadly, most do not. It is not that it is inaccessible or unavailable, but many have not heard that it is possible or feel they are fully sufficient without it.
But for those who have recognized their need and asked God to deliver them from a life without Him, they have been given an undeniable and extraordinary gift.
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by Bill Elliff
December 28, 2023
Waiting is hard. No one likes uncertainty. Something inside us longs for the instant gratification of moving on, getting it done, and moving to the next chapter.
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by Bill Elliff
February 27, 2023
It is our great prayer that this extraordinary movement will spread like a raging fire across our nation and world. So how do we aggressively cooperate with God to see that happen in our church, campus, and city?
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by Bill Elliff
February 16, 2023
One of the most remarkable realities about the extraordinary spiritual movement that is happening at Asbury University is its beginning.
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by Bill Elliff
November 16, 2022
Everything in God’s created order moves by some type of power. We see by the power of the sun and the power of electricity. We breathe by the power of our lungs and the powerful outside pressure of the air. We move by the power of muscles and nerves placed by God in the human body. We think through the power of the mind.
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by Bill Elliff
September 17, 2021
The book of Acts is a model for us of how Christ followers and the church are to function. There is one abundantly clear element throughout the book. They prayed.
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by Bill Elliff
September 11, 2020
I can see absolutely no political solution to the current state of our nation. We are one step away from civil war. (It's happened in every nation in history and is the way of the human heart without God. We should not be so proud to think it could not happen here.) In my humble, but Biblically fueled opinion, there is only one answer...
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by Bill Elliff
June 03, 2019
These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 1:14)
Prayer is the foundation for all of life. Imagine the emotions and sense of fear and expectancy when Christ had been resurrected, appeared to His disciples, and then ascended. They were instructed to merely wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit who would endue them with power to be witnesses to Christ all across the world (Acts 1:8).
So, what did they do?
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by Bill Elliff
March 13, 2015
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