by Bill Elliff
February 13, 2023
The quiet, precious movement of God continues into its sixth day in Wilmore, Kentucky, on the campus of Asbury University. This is not the first time an extended movement has occurred here. Similar movements happened in the 30s when a prayer meeting led by E. Stanly Jones lasted for many days. In the ’50s, two other activities occurred, and in 1970, a chapel service extended for seven days and nights. God used it as a catalyst to the nationwide revival called the Jesus Movement.
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by Bill Elliff
February 02, 2023
The world is filled with millions of facts that we can know and share. There's tons of trivia. But what happens when we tell someone the simple truths about Christ? It can powerfully change people forever, just like it changed us!
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by Bill Elliff
June 07, 2019
… with most of us modern Christians is that we are stoppable. A little discomfort, a turn from our desired daily routine, or a little resistance from those to whom we’re witnessing throws us off. We have not settled the issue that our greatest joy and highest purpose comes from our witness, and so we are unwilling to push through in sharing Christ with others every day, even in the mildest environments. Even when persecution is not present.
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by Bill Elliff
June 07, 2017
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