by Bill Elliff
October 07, 2024
Are you worried about a deficiency in your life? Do you feel God is leading you to do something beyond your capabilities? This is right where God wants you to live, for it is here that you must walk in dependency upon Him.
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by Bill Elliff
January 31, 2022
God has things for you to do that no one else can do. You may not believe this, nor even want it at this point. But it is true. And the most blessed people are those who embrace God’s plan.
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by Bill Elliff
February 06, 2020
Is there anything you are unwilling to relinquish to God? To release? A job? A relationship? Possessions? Comfort? Popularity? A favorite habit or sin? Remember, God is not out to take from you, but to bring to its proper purpose all that you have. It would be good to pause right now and look down at your hands. Ask God to show you what you are gripping more tightly than you should.
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