by Bill Elliff
January 15, 2024
Are people around you angry? Contentious? Is there continual arguing in your home or relationships or work that you hate? Frustrating, isn't it?
Have you considered the possibility that it may not be them but you that is causing this agitation?
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by Bill Elliff
August 24, 2023
We’ve all experienced it. Some of us have a harder time with this than others. It is easy to explode. To fly off the handle. To let our anger erupt before we’ve even thought about what is happening when we feel misunderstood or marginalized.
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by Bill Elliff
March 03, 2022
Have you ever responded to others out of anger? How did that go for you (and others)? “The anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God,” James said. And there’s no greater illustration of that than Moses’ encounter with God and his people in Numbers 20.
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by Bill Elliff
June 01, 2021
Anger can be a terribly destructive emotion. Everyone has been on the blunt end of someone else's displeasure. And some of us have responded in anger more often than we've felt its effect from others.
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by Bill Elliff
July 19, 2019
All of us get hurt in life. It is not a matter of being hurt, but how you respond to hurt that determines whether or not you will become an angry person. Don’t let hurt harbor in your heart unchecked. You may think you are justified in your responses, but YOU are the one placed in a prison of unforgiveness. You will be the one who suffers the penalty. Instead of your life carrying the sweet fragrance of God’s forgiveness and grace, you will project the acidic odor of bitterness to every life you touch. It is an unmistakable smell.
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by Bill Elliff
July 15, 2019
Uncontrolled anger is never helpful. It will do nothing but further complicate the problem. Realize that every time we respond in anger, we are not promoting God's righteousness, but aborting it, for the “anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”
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by Bill Elliff
January 12, 2018
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