by Bill Elliff
March 22, 2024
Be careful. More is at stake than you realize in every casual choice of the common day.
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by Bill Elliff
August 24, 2023
We’ve all experienced it. Some of us have a harder time with this than others. It is easy to explode. To fly off the handle. To let our anger erupt before we’ve even thought about what is happening when we feel misunderstood or marginalized.
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by Bill Elliff
January 19, 2023
If we are wise, we will not stop in any decision until we have found the counsel of God. This comes through fervent study of His Word, surrendered listening to His Spirit, and a listening ear to the counsel from those around us who know God’s Word and can give wise counsel. These three means are like three lighthouses in a row that can give us clarity about anything and everything.
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by Bill Elliff
July 19, 2019
All of us get hurt in life. It is not a matter of being hurt, but how you respond to hurt that determines whether or not you will become an angry person. Don’t let hurt harbor in your heart unchecked. You may think you are justified in your responses, but YOU are the one placed in a prison of unforgiveness. You will be the one who suffers the penalty. Instead of your life carrying the sweet fragrance of God’s forgiveness and grace, you will project the acidic odor of bitterness to every life you touch. It is an unmistakable smell.
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by Bill Elliff
December 19, 2014
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