by Bill Elliff
May 13, 2024
From the moment of our birth, a spiral of death begins. Cells live and die. Each cell in your body carries in its DNA the exact number of times it will replicate, and then it stops. That’s why our hair loses color, our skin wrinkles, and our physical body ultimately stops working.
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by Bill Elliff
April 26, 2024
But a man or woman with the proper view of themselves can be a strong yet humble force for the kingdom of God. What a mighty creature we can become when we realize who we are in Christ … and that all the glory goes to Him!
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by Bill Elliff
April 26, 2023
What others think of us drives 90% of our lives. We wear what we wear primarily to impress others. We speak certain things in certain ways to be acceptable to those around us. Our deep longing to be loved drives us to desperately seek others' approval, unaware that it can never satisfy. A man-pleasing life is a wasted existence.
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by Bill Elliff
October 19, 2020
How do you see yourself? A mature man has come to the humble knowledge that he is nothing without Christ and everything with Christ. He is a mere branch on a glorious Vine, but he has been fearfully and wonderfully and uniquely made by the Creator, designed for great achievements by God’s grace. This wise balance allows him to live powerfully, but dependently in life.
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by Bill Elliff
January 07, 2020
God is not a debtor to us. We are a debtor to Him. Forever. God knows what He is doing with us and around us and with His world. He does not even owe us an explanation, although He often condescends to give us one.
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