by Bill Elliff
August 15, 2024
The world is not worthy of men to whom passion for Jesus and others is not a passing fad but an enduring, growing lifestyle all the way to the end.
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by Bill Elliff
February 14, 2023
A radio host asked me today how I would describe revival. I answered with what I heard Richard Owen Roberts say once. “I can answer that in one word: God.” The history of revival is one long story of God.
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by Bill Elliff
February 10, 2023
All of life is a classroom. God’s creation, Word, Spirit, and people (the church) are constantly speaking if we will hear. His voice is all around us. Prayer is the avenue of His most intimate communication with us. Like radio waves constantly filling the air, all we need do is dial in with a humble heart, and we will begin to hear. We are to be lifelong learners, and everything we need for this process is before us.
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by Bill Elliff
January 10, 2023
Some people suck the life right out of you. When they speak, it is almost always contentious. Their responses and reasonings are shaped by past hurt or lingering bitterness. And hurting people hurt people.
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