by Bill Elliff
February 14, 2024
The church is often, sadly, a microcosm of the world. Many churches contain both wise and foolish men and women. Jesus was the one who declared that there would be both “wheat and tares” even in the church, i.e., people who were genuine believers and those who professed to be believers but were not.
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by Bill Elliff
February 17, 2023
What if God intends to save the next generation? To redeem them from the clutches of our culture and set them ablaze for His missionary purposes? And what if Asbury is the beginning in our day?
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by Bill Elliff
November 05, 2019
All of us are foolish at times, and we’re all capable of becoming foolish. Every leader must evaluate first his own life, to see if he/she is acting or living foolishly. A wise leader pursues God fervently and humbly, which is to pursue wisdom. But also, a wise leader must know how to recognize and deal with foolish people, particularly those who are causing discord, contention, and strife.
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by Bill Elliff
July 15, 2019
Uncontrolled anger is never helpful. It will do nothing but further complicate the problem. Realize that every time we respond in anger, we are not promoting God's righteousness, but aborting it, for the “anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”
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