by Bill Elliff
November 01, 2024
Whether you realize it or not, the God of the universe made you in His image and has planned for you to rule with Him over part of His creation in this world and the world to come. You may not be stepping into His design and your destiny, but His plan was expressed in the triune God’s first statement about us.
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by Bill Elliff
August 23, 2024
God created men and women at the earliest dawn. We are the height of God’s creation, and He made us like no other being. The design of man and his purpose are summed up in one simple verse.
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by Bill Elliff
January 01, 2020
For thousands of years, man has sought to come up with a theory that explains the creation of the world. Many men have tried to do this with God out of the equation. This simply cannot be done, because it did not happen that way. This is why every theory that excludes God simply doesn’t work. Our best thoughts of a God-less creation fall woefully short.
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by Bill Elliff
January 25, 2019
We rarely think of the long-term results of God's instructions. At the moment when we read any Biblical direction from God, we think, "Do I want to do that now? It doesn't seem to have a benefit for me in this moment." This is often the rationale behind our unwillingness to follow His directives.
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by Bill Elliff
January 23, 2015
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