by Bill Elliff May 08, 2023
Wise humans spend time each morning prioritizing the work of their day. We can get consumed by the tyranny of the urgent and miss the most important things. Many things are important, but what is of FIRST IMPORTANCE? What is the most necessary thing for us and all those God puts in the sphere of our lives? What is the one thing we must know and experience before all other important things are even possible?
by Bill Elliff October 19, 2020
by Bill Elliff August 24, 2019
Everyone in this life deals with the aches and pains and diseases and weaknesses of their physical body. We pray for those we know who are in deep physical distress. We mourn those who are dying. We fear physical loss. It is seen by most as their greatest enemy. Death is the one thing we cannot escape.
But for the believer, our physical deterioration is a sign of better things to come.