by Bill Elliff January 28, 2025
“You have two overwhelming emotions,” Jesus was saying, “but as you’ve come into My presence, one can be shed like a heavy coat on a warm day. You no longer need fear … just joy.”
by Bill Elliff February 22, 2020
Does God have a task for you to do? Most assuredly He does. Then He will put the calling, empowering, and skill necessary to accomplish His work in and through you. This sufficiency is true for the smallest, daily tasks and the greatest endeavors. You need not fear. Look to Him and all the sufficiency you need will be provided. You will be able to say with Paul, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
In this way, God’s miraculous work gets done and all the glory goes entirely to the One who equipped you for the task.
by Bill Elliff January 22, 2020
The omnipresence of God is a reality (that God is everywhere all the time). “Where can I go from Thy Spirit?” David said (Psalm 139). And, since the coming of Christ and Pentecost, which was the sending of His indwelling Spirit to all who believe, the true follower of Christ is assured that Christ will never leave them nor forsake them personally. Once the Spirit comes to reside in the believing heart, He is there permanently.
But, it is possible to have our head turned by the world, the flesh, and the devil. We can quench and grieve the Spirit who lives within us. We can ignore Him or resist His leadership. If we do so, we will lose the conscious awareness of His presence. We will begin to operate on our own, not walking by the Spirit, and the results are always disastrous. We get what our humanity brings. Like an unseen guest standing in the shadows, He is still present, but not prominent.
by Bill Elliff January 08, 2020
There are over 7,000 of these promises in Scripture to us! This is God’s operating system with man. He gives us a faith directive and promises the results. And, He is always faithful.
He is saying, “I WILL” to you today, if you will listen to Him through His word and follow Him in obedience, trusting in His promises. One of the greatest tragedies at the end of our lives will be to realize how much more we could have experienced of God if we had believed and obeyed our “I WILL” God.
by Bill Elliff November 11, 2019
All of us live with lots of fear in life. One of the greatest fears is “Do I have what it takes?” We want to know—as a man/woman, dad/mom, husband/wife, employee/employer, student/teacher—do I have what it takes to do what’s required?
The answer of course, is “no.” On your own you are completely incapable. In fact, Jesus said that, apart from Him, you could do nothing (John 15).
But with Him, we can do anything! “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me,” Paul said (Philippians 4:13).
by Bill Elliff August 29, 2019
Do you have what it takes? Do you worry about your inadequacy? Do you have an accurate assessment of your life? Have you found the secret of having confidence in any situation?
Many people are clueless about who they really are … perhaps most. One of the great secrets of the Apostle Paul’s success in life and ministry was his accurate understanding of himself, gained at the feet of Christ.