by Bill Elliff
February 25, 2025
Realize you are surrounded by Him. He is beneath you, beside you, above you. Where can you go from His care? What are stronger than His arms? More sufficient than His supply? What enemy is stronger or threat more powerful than He who sits eternally on the throne?
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by Bill Elliff
November 19, 2024
“The people … found grace in the wilderness.” My, my. The summary of our lives in one verse. Amid this world’s darkness, the Enemy’s relentless attacks, and the weakness of our flesh, we are continually finding grace from our Father, even in the wilderness. In fact, especially in the wilderness.
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by Bill Elliff
August 13, 2024
Are you trusting in the One who holds you securely in His hands no matter what comes? It is a beautifully disturbing picture for those who watch.
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by Bill Elliff
January 31, 2024
I have a deep friend who is in a very tough situation. It’s one of those moments when you are being attacked on every side, and it seems there are no viable solutions. There seems to be no way out.
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by Bill Elliff
August 07, 2023
But what are you experiencing of God? How much of Him are you tasting? What are you able to tell others about God? Adrian Rogers said, “I don’t know how much of God you have, but I can tell you this, you have all you want.”
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by Bill Elliff
July 18, 2023
There is a massive secret that we rarely speak about. It is one of the key ingredients in the lives of those who are fruitful in their lives, families, businesses, and ministries.
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by Bill Elliff
April 20, 2023
What will the sentence read about you in your troubles?
“He took revenge.” “He lived in anger and frustration.” “He was constantly afraid.” “He tried to work it out on his own.” “He got bitter.” “He lived in anxiety and fear.”
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by Bill Elliff
December 01, 2022
No demand is made upon your life that is not made upon the Christ who lives within you. Don't let Satan deceive you about your ability in Christ or God's kindness and provision. You may not be experiencing this victory yet, but you have all you need in Christ as you face each trial and temptation.
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by Bill Elliff
February 09, 2021
It is the source of 90% of our fear, discontent, unbelief, and unwillingness to surrender. We always find ourselves in danger when we try to take God's place.
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by Bill Elliff
January 08, 2021
How do you respond to God when difficulty comes? In your mind, you know that God could have prevented suffering from touching you. And yet, He has either caused or allowed a hard thing to come your way. And now, what are your thoughts about God?
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by Bill Elliff
December 04, 2020
If you are a parent you are in the constant process of training, whether you realize it or not. You are training your child one way or another. In the best homes the training is Biblical and intentional. This training involves instruction, reproof, correction, and discipline that is given with loving consistency. In the same ways, our heavenly Father is always training us.
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by Bill Elliff
November 09, 2020
One day in heaven we will marvel at the activity of God. He is sovereign and perfect and never evil. He sees all, but for the man who trusts and follows Him explicitly, he will be led in "all the right paths for God's name's sake." The will of God will be done, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And sometimes, he can even use the evil of this world to get us there.
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