by Bill Elliff
January 21, 2025
We must cooperate with God in ways that make it so. We should be careful that it is nothing less … that we are creating an environment where people are encountering God and communing with Him. A place alive with His presence.
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by Bill Elliff
February 14, 2024
The church is often, sadly, a microcosm of the world. Many churches contain both wise and foolish men and women. Jesus was the one who declared that there would be both “wheat and tares” even in the church, i.e., people who were genuine believers and those who professed to be believers but were not.
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by Bill Elliff
August 30, 2023
If you want to improve and grow, wouldn’t you want someone to give you the best possible evaluation of where you are? No one sees you and those around you like Christ Himself. In Revelation 2-3, Christ comes to seven specific churches of His day and tells them God’s evaluation. But these letters to the seven churches also represent every church in every age.
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by Bill Elliff
April 11, 2023
Pastors are God's good gifts to us. They walk a line between great joys and great sorrow; high moments of victory and the lowest valleys of defeat. They get depressed and deeply discouraged and are the peculiar target of Satan's most effective weapons. You'd be surprised how one word of criticism can crush them. Spurgeon would sometimes leave and tell no one where he was going, retreating to get his soul back.
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by Bill Elliff
December 02, 2022
This spiritual uniting and Presence connects us in a way that could not happen organizationally. The church—throughout the ages and across nations—is not an organization made by human hands, but an organism joined by a common Life. The blessed Holy Spirit is the agent and the Presence, helping us experience a unity with other believers far beyond what we even know with our own biological families.
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by Bill Elliff
February 04, 2022
Everyone needs to be pastored. We all need godly leaders who will give us instruction, tender care, gracious reproof when needed, and wise counsel along the way.
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by Bill Elliff
December 31, 2020
The year 2020 was an extraordinary experience. There are very few who look at the year with gratitude, and the “2020” jokes are everywhere. A whole new set of words have become standard such as COVID19 and social distancing. While we long for “the good old days,” we look with anticipation for a new, “COVID-FREE” year.
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by Bill Elliff
November 16, 2020
There are thousands of breathtaking statements in the Bible. These are definitive statements which, if dealt with properly, should be the end of the discussion. These statements define what really IS, whether we agree or not. And, they demand a response. We can ignore them if we choose, but there are sad and destructive consequences if we try to live counter to what is true. It simply won't work right.
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by Bill Elliff
September 15, 2020
The rapid spread of the church in the New Testament can only be attributed to two things: the gracious, miraculous activity of the Holy Spirit and the bold witness of His followers. If God had not moved, nothing would have happened. If believers had not shared the gospel, the movement would have stalled.
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by Bill Elliff
July 10, 2020
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by Bill Elliff
October 05, 2018
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by Bill Elliff
August 07, 2018
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