by Bill Elliff
May 21, 2024
What we need is not just a moment in His presence—a brief period in a worship service, Bible study, or prayer. We cherish these, but the settled victory comes as we learn to dwell—to stay—to remain in a stable or fixed position, not to be drawn away or distracted.
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by Bill Elliff
April 08, 2024
Has the kingdom of God come near you? You’ve heard of Christ, seen someone in whom Christ dwelled, passed by a church on the corner, or have a Bible that a grandmother gave you years ago. Perhaps you even sit in a church every Sunday, but you have never surrendered to Christ and entered His kingdom. You never acknowledged your need and turned to Christ in faith to save you. You merely let the kingdom merely “come near.”
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by Bill Elliff
October 25, 2022
Jesus came to build the Kingdom of God. He accomplished this by making disciples of the Kingdom. First, He secured their salvation (and ours) through His life, death, and resurrection. But then He trained these ordinary men and women to know God and the glories of serving Him.
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by Bill Elliff
December 31, 2020
The year 2020 was an extraordinary experience. There are very few who look at the year with gratitude, and the “2020” jokes are everywhere. A whole new set of words have become standard such as COVID19 and social distancing. While we long for “the good old days,” we look with anticipation for a new, “COVID-FREE” year.
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by Bill Elliff
April 04, 2016
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