by Bill Elliff
December 24, 2024
Do you believe that one child could save everyone?
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by Bill Elliff
July 25, 2023
Parents (and especially grandparents) are quick to pull out pictures of their children and grandchildren. There are reasons we do this. There is joy in looking at the latest video or picture. It delights our hearts like nothing else, and in our loving pride, we want others to know the beauty of our children too.
Our lives would be better if we spent more time each day gazing at Jesus.
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by Bill Elliff
October 18, 2022
When you gaze on Christ (and you must), you observe a life of perfect serenity. We look at Him as He was on earth and see a man that was never in a hurry but always on time. His withdrawing was an essential part of His balanced life.
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by Bill Elliff
September 08, 2020
Some words are spoken or written, but are utterly unnecessary. Others are merely to entertain. But there are some words upon which history hinges. Words that change the world. Words that articulate facts. To believe them is to be established and real. To ignore them can be deadly.
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by Bill Elliff
September 03, 2020
Jesus is the only Savior. No one else can provide forgiveness of sin and a Divine introduction into the presence of God. No one can take a man from hell to heaven and death to life but the Messiah. And no one can do this is an instant and in any moment.
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by Bill Elliff
September 02, 2020
God places us purposefully in different environments for our good and His glory. Often, we don't see them as such, and we resist and run from these places. But, if we are to experience all God has, we should embrace each place, even if it’s hard.
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by Bill Elliff
August 27, 2020
"Let not your heart be troubled" He told His anxious disciples. "It is to your advantage that I go away." If you have come to know Christ, His Spirit now lives in you fully. It is not a question of “How much of Christ do I have?” but, “How much of me am I allowing Christ to have?” You have, with Him in you, all you will ever need!
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by Bill Elliff
August 26, 2020
We are born into this world separated from Christ. This is because of the fall of man through the choice of our First Parents. Starting in this position, the only resource we have is ourselves. We may rely on some other people, but in the end every decision, every activity, every step is comprised of our own choices made in our own power.
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by Bill Elliff
August 24, 2020
It is the big question. If Jesus was (is) who He said He was, we should believe and follow Him. But, if He is not, Christianity is a mere hoax.
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by Bill Elliff
August 04, 2020
We are enamored by wealth. Commercials promise it, television shows us the biggest homes and fanciest cars, and we are amazed. Wall street records the richest business tycoons. But we are using a false measure of wealth.
The humblest believer who has recognized his poverty and come to Christ and received salvation has more than the wealthiest among us. He has the kingdom of heaven.
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by Bill Elliff
May 18, 2019
There are many things about Christianity that are not true of any other religion. But one of the most amazing is the personable-ness of our relationship with Christ.
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