by Bill Elliff October 17, 2024
Our greatest misconception is that God is uninterested in us. From the beginning our Ancient Enemy has deceived us into thinking that God is holding out and on us and that He has no interest in our fellowship.
But the testimony of Scripture (and of men and women who have known Him) shatters this lie like a hammer shattering a rock.
by Bill Elliff March 02, 2021
Jealousy is always viewed in humans as a horribly destructive trait. Daniel Webster described it in his original 1828 dictionary as “the apprehension of superiority.” For instance, a person is jealous when they fear that someone has taken something that they want or may think they deserve for themselves; a position, an affection, an opportunity.
But is jealousy always wrong? Is it possible to be jealous for the right things? Is there a holy jealousy?
by Bill Elliff February 26, 2020