July 14, 2022
It’s a good question. Everything a follower of Christ believes, they believe because of one book: the Bible. So, if the Bible is not trustworthy, we may be believing a lie.
There are volumes of books written and multiple answers to this question.
We could go on and on. But here is the premier reason in the opening verse of the book of Micah.
The word of the LORD which came to Micah. (Micah 1:1a)
What is recorded for all time is not thoughts written by men about God or about history. It is God speaking to men who recorded the Scripture. It is Divine inspiration. Paul says it this way:
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
The word “inspired” is two Greek words put together that literally mean “God-breathed.” God spoke these words to men who knew they were to record them.
But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (2 Peter 1:20-21)
If God is God, He is perfectly capable to communicate what He wants said to His creature. He can (and did) use human beings with unique personalities and abilities but communicated precisely what He wanted to tell us.
How do we know the Bible is God’s Word? He spoke it. If He is God, He’s able to do this and preserve it through the ages in ways that assure its reliability. It is not merely accurate in spots, but accurate throughout. We can pick it up, read it, hear from God as His Spirit brings it to life to our hearts, and know that it is from God.
To ignore the Scriptures daily is our greatest failure. It's an affront to the God who has gone to extraordinary links to communicate clearly to is. It is, without question, the most incredible privilege we have in life! We can hear from our Creator and Deliverer, all day, every day!
Father, we’re overwhelmed that You would communicate with us. Thank You for giving us the Word and prayer and the Holy Spirit living in us. Thank You that we have everything we need for life and godliness. Give us the wisdom to read and follow You daily as we hear from You through Your word!
January 21, 2025
We must cooperate with God in ways that make it so. We should be careful that it is nothing less … that we are creating an environment where people are encountering God and communing with Him. A place alive with His presence.
January 20, 2025
Look back over your life with eyes of faith as much as you can, and realize the magnitude of what God has done for you, the comprehensiveness of His work in and through you … and give Him thanks.
And then rise up and walk in humility today before your God.
January 17, 2025
The one who does what invites the presence of God into the situation has the ultimate reward.