by Bill Elliff
November 20, 2020
As a leader, the greatest way to help others to a revived life is to live there yourself. This does not happen automatically. In fact, the pull of the world, flesh, and devil is so strong that we can easily slide into sin and find ourselves in deep need of personal reviving.
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by Bill Elliff
July 02, 2020
Most people treat their sin lightly, never feeling the weight of what they have done. There is an appropriate time to mourn over sin. In fact, without mourning over how we have offended God, there is generally no real repentance.
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by Bill Elliff
June 30, 2020
Hundreds of years before Christ, the prophet Zechariah prophesied with Divine precision of what would happen one day in Jerusalem. It is a prophecy that describes what occurred and how it affects all of us who have become believers in Jesus Christ.
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