by Bill Elliff
October 15, 2020
If you are a true believer, God has given you a spiritual gift(s) at the moment of your salvation. A spiritual gift is a "God-given, supernatural ability for service." It is different from a natural talent, but talents can be the vehicle through which some gifts operate at times. Spiritual gifts are designed by God to shape and empower our role in the Kingdom of God.
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by Bill Elliff
October 14, 2020
Father, thank You for saving me from a life and eternity without You. Remind me daily of the depth of this grace and the height of Your mercy towards me. Thank You for those who shared the truth of the gospel with me that led to my salvation. Compel me now to pass to others what has been entrusted to me.
Deliver me from fruitless self-centeredness. Lift my gaze outward. Help me see people not as objects, but as those You love with complete and absolute compassion; as those that only one message and one Savior can heal. Fill me with hourly urgency and grant me the clarity and boldness to speak the word of God without fear. Let me do "all things—ALL things—for the sake of the gospel." Open my mouth in gospel witness and my heart in gospel love.
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by Bill Elliff
October 06, 2020
God is a God of order. He has planned for His world to reflect this beautiful, peaceful harmony. But when we reject Him, we lose this ability and become lawless. And this lawlessness leads to anarchy and chaos.
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by Bill Elliff
October 05, 2020
We are seeing in our nation an explosion of evil on every side. We can sit passively and allow it to engulf our nation (and it will if unchecked). Or, as believers we can do the one thing that overcomes evil. We can walk by the Spirit and allow God’s goodness to flow in us and through us.
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by Bill Elliff
October 05, 2020
It's been a problem since the beginning of time. The rise of Internet availability has made it incredibly more accessible, but lust has always been one of Satan’s most powerful tools to mar the image of God in us.
Paul was intense about this because he understood the nature of the human mind and the deadliness of this particular sin. He always tells us to abstain, flee, run, get away by any and every means. Why?
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by Bill Elliff
September 28, 2020
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by Bill Elliff
September 25, 2020
We are almost completely unaware. There is an unseen Enemy that is opposing us 24/7. Paul reminded us that other than the world and its unceasing philosophies and the weakness of our flesh, this enemy is constantly opposing us.
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by Bill Elliff
September 24, 2020
When a difficult problem, a crushing weight comes into your life, is joy your first response? Do you even consider the possibility that you could rejoice in the midst of the difficulty? If this were a possibility, it could only be explained as something supernatural. Something initiated by God Himself.
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by Bill Elliff
September 23, 2020
There are only two ways to operate in this world. You can try to do things yourself, to the best of your ability. Or you can align yourself with God’s Spirit and let Him lead you, empower you, and flow through you. There are no other options and we need none.
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by Bill Elliff
September 22, 2020
It is said of Martin Luther that he dreamed he was transported to heaven and there noticed thousands of boxes with his name on them. When he asked the angel what they were, the angel replied, “These are answers to prayers that have never been asked.”
God has much more for us. He reminds us that “we have not because we ask not” (James 4:2).
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by Bill Elliff
September 17, 2020
All across our nation there are things erupting that I have not seen in my lifetime. They have surfaced before, but not to this degree in the last 70 years. In my opinion, we see what Romans 1:28 describes as a “reprobate (depraved) mind.” This word describes those who, through continual rejection of God, have such a hardened heart that wrong really seems right to them and vice versa.
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by Bill Elliff
September 15, 2020
The rapid spread of the church in the New Testament can only be attributed to two things: the gracious, miraculous activity of the Holy Spirit and the bold witness of His followers. If God had not moved, nothing would have happened. If believers had not shared the gospel, the movement would have stalled.
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