September 25, 2020
We are almost completely unaware. There is an unseen Enemy that is opposing us 24/7. Paul reminded us that other than the world and its unceasing philosophies and the weakness of our flesh, this enemy is constantly opposing us.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)
… is real and extremely powerful. If we are not careful, or if we are simply unaware, we will allow him to win battles in our lives with no resistance.
But James reminds us, in a simple truth, of an amazing resource we have.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
The Christian has an amazing authority and power because of his relationship with the Ultimate Sovereign. We can consciously resist the devil and God promises us that he must leave. It can be done simply in prayer, reminding the devil that he has no legal claim over your life because you have been bought with Christ and that he must leave … and leave now!
Our model for this is Jesus in the wilderness. Tempted 3 times by Satan himself, Jesus thwarted him repeatedly by countering with Scripture. Finally, He told Satan to “be gone” and the devil had to leave. He would come back at a “more opportune time” but he left, nonetheless.
Satan is the author of fear and the Father of lies. If you will listen carefully, you will realize he is constantly whispering deception into your soul. One of his greatest ploys, used since the garden of Eden, is to seek to get you to doubt God, His nature, goodness, and ways.
Why would you let the devil deceive you, whispering lies with no resistance? Be aware today of his intrusion and neutralize his effect.
Father, thank You that You have made not only me aware of a real enemy, but given me the tools in Christ to defeat him. Give me discernment to recognize his whispers today and to resist his attacks. Thank You that one day soon I will be in a place where I will never have to deal with his evil again!
February 04, 2025
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