50 Overwhelming Benefits of Being IN CHRIST

April 08, 2015

50 Overwhelming Benefits of Being IN CHRIST

When you are in Christ (a true Christian, as Paul describes in Romans 8), there are an abundance of extraordinary results. Review these regularly, particularly when you are discouraged. Look at what is yours as a follower of Jesus! Read these aloud for the greatest benefit.

  1. I am no longer under any Condemnation. (vs. 1)
  2. I am set free from the law of sin and death. (vs. 2)
  3. Christ did something for me that I could not do, condemning sin in His flesh on my behalf. (vs. 3)
  4. I can fulfill the law as I walk according to the Spirit. (I never could do this before). (vs. 4)
  5. My mind is set; directed to the things of the Spirit, and I can think in a new realm. (vs. 5)
  6. I now have life and peace instead of death. (vs. 6)
  7. My mind is no longer hostile toward God. (vs. 7)
  8. I can please God. (vs. 8)
  9. I belong to Him. (vs. 9)
  10. My spirit is alive because of righteousness. (vs. 10)
  11. The Spirit gives spiritual life to my mortal body. (vs. 11)
  12. I am under obligation to live by the Spirit, not according to the humanistic flesh (this is a wonderful pressure and can be fulfilled because the Spirit is in me!) (vs. 12)
  13. I live! (vs. 13)
  14. I am led by the Spirit. (vs. 14)
  15. I am a son (or daughter) of God. (vs. 14)
  16. I have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear. (vs. 15)
  17. I have received a spirit of adoption a son by which I cry out, "Abba! Father!" (vs. 15)
  18. The Spirit Himself testifies with my spirit that I am a child of God. (vs. 16)
  19. Because I am a child, I am an heir with God and a fellow heir with Christ. (vs. 17)
  20. The sufferings of this present time cannot compare to the glory that will be revealed to me. (vs. 18)
  21. My body will soon be completely redeemed. (vs. 23)
  22. I have hope. (vs. 24)
  23. The Spirit helps my weakness by praying through me, and Christ intercedes for me perfectly because He intercedes for me according to the will of God. (vs. 27)
  24. God causes all things to work together for good for me as I am loving Him and am called according to His purpose. (vs. 28)
  25. I have a glorious purpose of becoming conformed to the image of God’s Son! (vs. 29)
  26. He has foreknown, predestined, called, justified, and glorified me! (vs. 30)
  27. God is for me! (so, who can possibly stand against me?) (vs. 31)
  28. He did not spare His own Son but delivered Him up for me. (vs. 32)
  29. He will freely give me all things. (vs. 32)
  30. I can have no charges brought against me because the ultimate Judge has already justified me. (vs. 33)
  31. I cannot be condemned because Jesus died, was raised, and intercedes for me. (vs. 34)
  32. I will NEVER be separated from the love of Christ! (vs. 35)
  33. Tribulation will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 35)
  34. Distress will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 35)
  35. Persecution will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 35)
  36. Famine will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 35)
  37. Nakedness will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 35)
  38. Peril will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 35)
  39. The sword will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 35)
  40. I overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loves me, even when I am persecuted all day long. (vs. 37)
  41. Death will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 38)
  42. Life will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 38)
  43. Angels will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs. 38)
  44. Principalities will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs.38)
  45. Things present will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs.38)
  46. Things to come will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs.38)
  47. Powers will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs.38)
  48. Height will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs.39)
  49. Depth will not separate me from Christ's love. (vs.39)
  50. No other created thing will separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord! (vs.39)

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