March 19, 2020
Everybody wants to be successful. Some achieve success in the eyes of the world. But how can we be a success in the eyes of God? How can we so live that eternity counts our lives as successful?
Joshua was facing a formidable challenge. He was called by God to be the leader following one of the greatest leaders in human history, Moses. Yet for all of his greatness, Moses could not get the Israelites into the promised land. After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, Joshua is now charged to take this new generation into Canaan.
He must have been filled with a very natural fear, for God tells him three times in Joshua, Chapter 1, not to be afraid. And then God gives his leader the formula for success.
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:8-9)
It is amazing the simplicity of this plan. Here is what God instructed:
He didn’t need an 8-week course in leadership or a high-priced seminar. This was not rocket science or advanced mathematics. “Just listen to Me and follow Me,” God said. “If you do, you will succeed.”
There was something, though, that made this formula work.
“The Lord is with you, wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9b)
The secret sauce of this formula was the presence of Almighty God. There was no promise to Joshua if he wouldn’t listen and follow God. But, if he chose this path, he would be assured of the presence and direction of the God of the Universe. And, if Joshua had Him, he had everything.
In following God personally as a leader, Joshua was literally allowing GOD to be the leader. And God is an incredible Leader. Perfect, in fact.
This formula has never changed. Jesus would reinforce this plan as He simply said to a band of fishermen, “Follow Me.” Two words that changed their lives and led them to change the world. And, this formula will work for you. God promises it will be so.
You must make the decision each day to listen to God by His Spirit and His Word and humbly follow Him. If you do, the same God who prospered Joshua will lead you into all the right paths. And this is the definition of success.
Father, forgive me for the many times I have thought I have a better plan. Thank You for the simplicity of Your direction. Give me the humility to meditate on Your word day and night and then follow You fully by the power of Your Spirit. Thank You that You have given the most humble follower the secret to genuine success.
January 15, 2025
Imagine a child created by God and for whom He had sent His only begotten Son to redeem and His Spirit to indwell. And then imagine that child ignoring Him, never communing, never praying, never listening, never obeying. And then realize how an attentive, unceasing life of prayer would delight the heart of the Father who made you.
January 14, 2025
Spending hours in solitude with God alone is foreign to us. We are not familiar with God. He is, for most, a distant entity, not an every day Father.
January 13, 2025
What is more important to you than anything else? Check your values, for they will drive you this year. And what value is it if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul?