October 12, 2023
God made unique promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob about the land we know currently as Israel. He told them He would give a portion of land to them, and it would be an “everlasting possession” for them.
Then Jacob said to Joseph, “God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me, and He said to me, ‘Behold, I will make you fruitful and numerous, and I will make you a company of peoples, and will give this land to your descendants after you for an everlasting possession.’” (Genesis 48:3-4)
This promise was given to Abraham and to his son (Isaac) and grandson (Jacob). It was also stated that they would be scattered, but they would return and possess this land. The great dispersion happened in both Joseph’s day into Egypt and later the Babylonian captivity. But the greatest dispersion occurred in 70 AD when the Romans destroyed the temple and began dispersing the Jews, sending them throughout the known world.
They were scattered for 2,000 years and not regathered and given the land again until 1948. Britain had gained possession of the land (the British Mandate) but there was a growing intent eventually to develop a Jewish homeland. In a dramatic present-day fulfillment of God’s promise, Britain exited Israel in 1948, and a Jewish state was declared on May 14. The United States recognized it as a state on the same day. Such a long dispersion and a re-gathering has never happened with any other nation in human history.
Nowhere in Scripture is the promise of God revoked. He has unique purposes for Israel. He always has and always will. The great Enemy of God—Satan Himself—tries to steal, kill, and destroy everything God has. Israel falls in that category. The only explanation for most of the world's unceasing hatred of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel is Satan’s intent and work. It is not a merely physical phenomenon but is of spiritual origin. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood,” Paul said (Ephesians 6:12). It can be explained no other way.
We are called in Scripture to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” in Psalm 122. Wise are the people and nations who do so and blessed are those who cooperate with God’s intent and promises. Not only should we support Israel right now in this current conflict on the basis of morality, justice, and freedom, but we should support them on spiritual and Biblical grounds.
Followers of Christ are interested in the gospel going to every tongue, tribe, nation, and people. But our passion for people and the advance of God's kingdom does not hinder our love for God's unique purposes for Israel.
May God do now what He did in Joshua’s day. Joshua 21 should be our current and continual prayer.
So the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it. And the Lord gave them rest on every side, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers, and no one of all their enemies stood before them; the Lord gave all their enemies into their hand. Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass. (Joshua 21:43-45)
March 27, 2025
When our faith is sufficient to lead us to actually follow God’s plan, we will always see that it is “good, acceptable, and perfect.” These words, as always, are important.
March 11, 2025
God knows what He is about. Always include in your request the greatest prayer—the prayer of surrender. “Lord, Your will be done.” This is the prayer, when humbly prayed, that will always be answered and yield the most valuable result from the God who loves us best ... even if the answer is hard.
March 05, 2025
Every created man or woman must make their choice. What will you do with God? Will you embrace or reject Him? Draw near or run away? Trust and serve Him or doubt God and serve yourself? This foundational choice determines everything.