March 22, 2019
“Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” (C.S. Lewis)
God has placed in us, I believe, a deep desire for satisfaction and joy. We look everywhere in the world for that which will fill our souls—sex, food, money, relationships, prestige and reputation, comfort. Most of our financial troubles come, for instance, because we are spending more than we should to try to gain this elusive joy.
But we will never be happy in this way. We are searching in the wrong place. King David knew this and reminds us of the answer:
How blessed is the one who You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple. (Psalm 65:4)
What we are longing for is God. Nothing else will satisfy except His presence. When we discover intimacy with Him, we are completely satisfied. There is no need for more.
Satan does not give up, of course, and tempts us with every allurement possible to pull us away from the "simplicity and purity of devotion to Jesus Christ."
It is not an easy thing in this life to maintain this intimacy with all the competing voices ... but it is totally possible or else Paul would have erred in his command to us to "pray without ceasing." James would have lied in his admonition to "draw near to God and He WILL draw near to you."
So how shall we then live? Make it the deep ambition of your life to refuse everything but Him as your soul's source of satisfaction. Meet with Him early and often. Fight against the allurements of the world that are cotton candy and long for the "sincere milk of the Word as a newborn baby." Resist the substitutes, seeing them for what they are. Feed on Him and you will find Your soul satisfied in ways you have never imagined.
September 10, 2024
September 04, 2024
If God is God, then there are things He values. Some things are important to Him, while others have no meaning or can even be offensive.
God mentions prayer over 650 times in the Scriptures. So, how important are our prayers?
September 02, 2024