December 03, 2024



“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘This people says, “The time has not come, even the time for the house of the Lord to be rebuilt.”  ” Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, saying, “Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses while this house lies desolate?” Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts, “Consider your ways! (Haggai 1:2-5)

Some things are more important than others. Some things deserve more attention. Some things should be prioritized over others. We can easily spend our lives focused on secondary issues while the most important things receive little to no attention. If we do not make the proper choices, our lives can be in ruins.


The Israelites had returned from the Babylonian captivity. As they came home, they began to build their houses, spending great effort and money doing so.

But there was a problem. They were not even considering God’s house—which represented His presence and power. It lay in ruins. God wanted it rebuilt so the people would be reminded of the rebuilding of their spiritual lives and God would be returned to the proper place of honor and worship. They must put this first. They must put Him first.


Paul would later remind us that those who have come to know Christ are now the temple of the Lord. He indwells us and wants our lives to be holy and set apart unto Him. The choices we make matter.

But many believers spend their time, resources, and energy building their physical, worldly lives while their spiritual lives lay in ruins. They give little attention to God’s priorities.

Just one small but deadly illustration will suffice. Think of the hours we mindlessly watch television and our unwillingness to spend any time listening to God through His Word and prayer. We wonder why we are spiritually weak when facing difficult times or tough decisions. We have not built our lives with God.

He is waiting for us to get our priorities right. We must live in the world. We work, engage in relationships, raise our children, buy groceries, etc. But the most important thing is to meet with God, listen to Him, and then follow His words to us. We must seek His presence daily hourly and abide in Him, for everything flows from the presence of the Lord. Everything.

If we fail to move that to the front, we will never grow spiritually and find God’s great purpose for His kingdom and our lives. God made us like Him so we can know Him and join Him in what He does. But it is easy to become completely distracted by this world and ignore what matters most.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” Jesus said, and everything else will fall into its proper place.


Also in Graceful Truth


March 05, 2025

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March 04, 2025

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February 25, 2025

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