What Do we Do When a Nation Crumbles?

What Do we Do When a Nation Crumbles?

by Bill Elliff July 15, 2016

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The Sin that Prevents Revival

by Bill Elliff June 03, 2016

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Desperate Cries

by Bill Elliff May 09, 2016

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7 Words that Could Open the Door for Christ's Manifestation

by Bill Elliff May 02, 2016

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How to Get Right with God

How to Get Right with God

by Bill Elliff February 10, 2016

All these are there for the receiving but are hidden by our deceit. Our unwillingness to take responsibility for our sins, our blaming of others, and our lying to ourselves and those around us abort these glorious blessings. Our transparent honesty ushers them in like a glorious, reviving flood.

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Rembering the Result of Real Revival

by Bill Elliff November 16, 2015

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Discerning the Signs of the Times

by Bill Elliff September 12, 2015

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A HIGHER KINGDOM (in light of a lower kingdom's temporary ruling)

by Bill Elliff June 27, 2015

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The Cry that Moves God's Heart

by Bill Elliff June 09, 2015

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by Bill Elliff June 01, 2015

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by Bill Elliff February 28, 2015

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God's Previous Work in Awakening

by Bill Elliff February 27, 2015

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