by Bill Elliff
January 08, 2022
There are excruciating moments in life where there seems to be no answers. When tragedy strikes, or friends disappoint, or a marriage implodes, or a child is lost. When our worst fears become reality.
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by Bill Elliff
December 16, 2021
God has unique blessings for those who fully follow Him, especially in the face of persecution. Other than Christ Himself, Paul was the ultimate example and worthy of study and emulation. Notice what God provided for him as he “fought the good fight, finished the course, and kept the faith.”
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by Bill Elliff
December 10, 2021
Every significant task on earth requires training. The homemaker, the accountant, the pastor, the CEO all must learn somewhere and somehow. To do life in the way God intends requires training, and God Himself, our Father, is the master trainer.
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by Bill Elliff
November 02, 2021
No one knows how they would respond when being persecuted for their faith, but history is filled with tens of thousands of martyrs who were willing to pay the ultimate cost. In heaven, the highest rewards are reserved for these faithful, courageous men and women.
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by Bill Elliff
December 11, 2020
“If necessary” is a telling phrase. Peter is writing to people who are experiencing great suffering. He writes the entire letter of 1 Peter to encourage them. But he begins by reminding them that, during this brief life, we will have trials and they do have purpose. In fact, it is the understanding of their purposes that trials lose their power to distress and destroy us.
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by Bill Elliff
October 21, 2020
If your vision is not aerated by heaven's reality you will be overwhelmed and discouraged. The authentic man of faith is a realist—but in both directions. He recognizes the problems, but also the solutions. A realistic view of both earth and heaven makes for a robust faith and gives hope in any situation to everyone who observes us.
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by Bill Elliff
October 06, 2020
God is a God of order. He has planned for His world to reflect this beautiful, peaceful harmony. But when we reject Him, we lose this ability and become lawless. And this lawlessness leads to anarchy and chaos.
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by Bill Elliff
September 02, 2020
God places us purposefully in different environments for our good and His glory. Often, we don't see them as such, and we resist and run from these places. But, if we are to experience all God has, we should embrace each place, even if it’s hard.
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by Bill Elliff
April 22, 2020
God is forever the same, but what do you know of Him? Have you discovered Him? Experienced Him? Don't resent the suffering God allows in your life, for this pushes you to discover Him. But as the pressure has risen, have you relied on your own human abilities alone, or have you run in helplessness to the Rock? Only then will God become real to you. Only there will you discover the bottomless depth of God’s power, the abounding height of His love, the width of His wisdom, the breadth of His character.
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by Bill Elliff
April 06, 2020
All of us are distressed. All know times of grief. But are you discharging your burden in the one place that will make a difference? To the Omnipotent One who rules heaven and earth? The Promise-Keeper and Way-Maker? The Creator of all of life?
He is a merciful God and will hear your prayer. And, you can trust Him to answer your desperation in the way that is right, regardless of when and what you think that answer should be. He knows what He’s about.
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by Bill Elliff
March 30, 2020
God is waiting on us to come to our senses and cry out to Him. If we will turn in humble repentance, He will hear our cry and send the deliverance we need. If we continue to look to ourselves with prideful self-sufficiency, He will let us go on in our feeble self-help program to bring us to the end of ourselves. We are made to live on God and in His perfect love for us, He will use whatever means necessary to remind us.
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by Bill Elliff
March 20, 2020
Hard times happen … places where our back is against the wall and there seems to be no solution, nowhere to go. When our way has been thwarted or the path seemingly closed. When everything seems impossible and confusing. So, what do we do?
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