June 22, 2022



We envy wise men and women, and we should. They have taken a road that few experience, for there is a narrow path to its discovery.

A wise man is not only knowledgeable but has the unique ability to apply the right truth at the right moment in the right way. He is the one you seek when you don’t know what to do. He is the one who speaks little in a meeting, but when he opens his mouth, he has the word that everyone has been waiting for; that clarifies the entire issue in a sentence. As opposed to the brashness of the arrogant, his words carry a depth and solidity and warmth that is unusual and profound.


We are not naturally wise. Our departure from God, begun at the Garden, brings us into the world severed from the only Source of wisdom. Wisdom must be gained over time and there is but one starting point.

We must realize our ignorance apart from God. This is where the wise man of Proverbs 30 begins. He starts with an admission of his need.

Surely, I am more stupid than any man, and I do not have the understanding of a man. Neither have I learned wisdom, nor do I have the knowledge of the Holy One. (Proverbs 30:2-3)

A proud man is a contradiction to wisdom. He will never find anything higher than himself for he thinks he is the source. He will revel in his limited understanding and push it on every undiscerning soul who will listen. Many may follow him blindly into his folly.

The first step to wisdom is the humility that recognizes our lack and the unfathomable gap between us and God. This humility pushes us higher. It makes us look up. We of necessity know we must find something, or Someone, beyond ourselves if we are to find wisdom. The Puritan, Matthew Henry, writes of this wise writer in Proverbs 30.

Before he makes confession of his faith he makes confession of his folly and the weakness and deficiency of reason, which make it so necessary that we be guided and governed by faith. Before he speaks concerning the Saviour he speaks of himself as needing a Saviour, and as nothing without him; we must go out of ourselves before we go into Jesus Christ.

The wise man is stunned by God. He fears Him in the best sense of the word and the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Five simple questions overwhelm him.

Who has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name or His son’s name? Surely you know! (Proverbs 30:4)

Think carefully through that marvelous verse. Let these five thoughts expand your soul and bow your knee. Only God can travel freely from earth to heaven and back again. Only God can gather up all the water of the world and hold it in his cloak. Only God can capture all the wind of the earth in his fist as easily as one might catch a falling snowflake. Only God can create and hold together the whole earth with a single word.

If you want wisdom, this is the One you must know. Here is the solitary source. He is wisdom and His word, graciously given to us in the Scripture, must be our constant study. Give your life to admitting your inability and coming to know Him and His precious Son. To know Him is to gain the profound power of the wisdom from above.

Almighty Father, I admit my need before You today. I know nothing apart from You. Forgive me for the endless pride of my heart. Forgive me for my prayerlessness that acts as if I do not need Your counsel on everything. Help me pray today without ceasing, constantly looking to You for that which I do not have. Thank You that Your ways are higher and that You have condescended to make Yourself known to me! That I can know You is my greatest treasure. Like Solomon, I humbly ask for the measure of wisdom You desire to give me, if I will but listen.


Also in Graceful Truth


September 13, 2024

We were made for God, and our soul is not at rest until we find Him and enter His kingdom. Once there, the daily, hourly pursuit of God will bring direction, wisdom, clarity, and understanding. In His presence is “fullness of joy and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

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September 12, 2024

As I write, we are in a political season. It is important, in some ways, but it is filled with the loud boasts and constant plots and plans of humans. Honestly, it wearies me and, if not careful, pulls my soul away from the presence of the Father.

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September 10, 2024

If you wonder, “When will all this evil in the world be over?” Do not worry. It will happen when the time is ripe and not a moment before. But a day is coming when evil will be completely banished, Satan and his minions will be completely removed, and a new heaven and earth will come with no hint of evil. And at that time, every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

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