January 01, 2019
In the very first Psalm, God lays out the path and promises for two contrasting lives: the wicked man who only pays attention to the world, and the godly man who listens intently and continually to God through His Word. Notice the phenomenal promise for the man who, in humility, meditates on God's Word day and night (Psalm 1:3).
HE IS STABLE. ""He will be like a tree firmly planted""
HE IS NOURISHED ""by streams of water"" (Not a single stream, but multiple supplies)
HE IS FRUITFUL ""which yields its fruit""
HE IS TIMELY. ""in its season"" He is the right man in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.
HE IS ENDURING. ""and its leaf does not wither""
HE IS PROSPEROUS. ""and in whatever he does, he prospers.""
Knowing this, how could we possibly choose the life of not listening to God? But, the proof of this understanding comes every day. This is a promise to a man or woman who ""meditates day and night"" and ""delights"" in God's Word.
What will this year hold for you? Listening to God and receiving His promised life? Or refusing to pay attention and eating the fruit of a god-less life?
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