May 18, 2021


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I heard a great Christian leader say that the toughest part of conversations with others is always the last ten percent. You've covered a lot of ground in the first 90% of the conversation, but there is something that you really need to discuss with them. Getting to that last (and usually most vital and usually the hardest) part of the conversation takes some risk and a lot of courage. Good leaders have learned to push through to the final words.


The maturing believer understands that God's whole agenda with us is to restore us to a position of trust in Him. It's always about faith. When you read the great roll call of faith in Hebrews 11, it is not a description of their service or church attendance. They were great men and women because they were great in faith, and "without faith, it is impossible to please God."

And God is a relentless teacher. He orchestrates circumstances with amazing precision to push us into corners where faith is the only option. Solomon agrees and encourages us to "trust in the Lord (the positive command) and "do not lean on your own understanding" (the negative command).

It seems these are the only two options in any decision. To choose the latter is to rest upon your meager abilities, touched by the fall. To trust is to bring God and all the resources of heaven into the equation. Anything less, by the way, is an affront to the One who designed us to live in unceasing connection to Him.


So Solomon urges us to full faith in two exacting ways: all our heart--all our ways. We are masters of creating pockets of unbelief. Little closets where we hide an issue from God.

Most believers find it easy to trust God about some things, but "all our ways?"

  • "My finances? Lord, I got myself into this mess; surely you must want me to get myself out through my own thinking and manipulation?"
  • "My reputation? Lord, you don't know how they are. If I don't make sure they know what I've done and stick up for my rights, I'll never get to the position I desire."
  • "My relationships? God, these need a little help from me. I cannot just do what's right and trust you with the results."

And on and on and on.

All our heart. He longs for us to mature to full faith. To come to the point where we see Him as all faithful. Where we deeply and fully realize that "He IS (everything we need) and is a "rewarder of those who seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6).


God binds Himself with a sacred promise here that is amazing. If we will trust Him with "all our heart" and in "all our ways acknowledge Him," He says that He "will direct our paths." this is what we wanted all along, isn't it? To know God's will and direction? To be led by the One who needs no leadership and is perfect in all His ways.? To find that guidance that is found nowhere else?

Where is the last 10% for you? What corner of your heart or activity of your life is God currently trying to lovingly wrench from your grasp so you can know the peaceful release of total trust in Him?

Father, let me give you the last ten percent. Help me see what I'm foolishly gripping, vainly thinking I can manage it better than You. Let me welcome the circumstances that bring me to the end of my resources, realizing they come to "test my faith and produce in me the quality of endurance" (a stretched-out faith). Before life is done, help me to trust You with ALL my heart.


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