May 01, 2020
We don’t get it. Lured by every worldly god, we run in multiple directions seeking life. Unsatisfied, we pursue more. But all our efforts will never yield the right results. We’re looking in the wrong direction.
Every genuine follower of Christ wants an undiluted life, free from the impurities and distractions that destroy us and pull us away from "simple, pure, devotion to Jesus Christ." But, what is the path to purity? Not just moral purity, but holiness in every dimension? Most people believe it comes by observing some rules, following some guidelines. But the secret lies in pursuing someone, not something.
David repeats a pronoun thirteen times in eight verses that gives us the key. A vision consistently set on Christ alone is the secret! It is not pursuing holiness, but pursuing Him that leads to an undistracted life. Notice the word "You" or its equivalent in these verses.
The songwriter understood this:
If Christ fills our vision we will be overwhelmed by His beauty, awed by His goodness, and humbled by His grace. A response of holiness is sure to follow.
Seeing the value of Christ, we want more of Him. We gladly turn from those things that cloud our vision or hinder our intimacy. We have seen the Pearl of great price and are more willing to sell everything to possess Him. Deliberate surrender and obedience yields a greater experience of Him—which makes us want to follow Him more—which leads a deepening vision—and the unending cycle of vision that leads to holiness goes deeper and deeper. When we see Him for who He is, it changes us.
My favorite poem sits on my study wall and is a constant reminder that the goal of all of my study and work is one thing and one thing alone.
Father, thank You that You are perfect altogether lovely. To see you is to behold everything that is good and right and gracious. Through Your Word and prayer, let me live in Your presence, beholding You! One day in Your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. And let my heart be filled with You so that I will gladly release every weak substitute.
March 27, 2025
When our faith is sufficient to lead us to actually follow God’s plan, we will always see that it is “good, acceptable, and perfect.” These words, as always, are important.
March 11, 2025
God knows what He is about. Always include in your request the greatest prayer—the prayer of surrender. “Lord, Your will be done.” This is the prayer, when humbly prayed, that will always be answered and yield the most valuable result from the God who loves us best ... even if the answer is hard.
March 05, 2025
Every created man or woman must make their choice. What will you do with God? Will you embrace or reject Him? Draw near or run away? Trust and serve Him or doubt God and serve yourself? This foundational choice determines everything.