July 09, 2024
Everyone is pursuing something. It may be wealth, position, reputation, pleasure, or comfort. You may be passive, and your pursuit is just to be left alone, with no greater goals or passions.
The writer of Proverbs 4 challenged us to look higher. To give our lives to acquire something greater—something that would yield incredible rewards.
The older I get, the more I see the value of and long for wisdom. We are laying in the grave today one of our long-term Elders in our church who was one of the wisest men I ever knew. He was a man of few words, but every time he spoke, I learned to listen, for they were always words of measured prayerful, godly wisdom. I want to be that kind of man.
Wisdom yields a plethora of fruits.
The fountain of all wisdom, of course, is God. There is no other source for true wisdom. So, to acquire wisdom, you must pursue Him. You must be early at His gates, reading His Word and responding to all He tells you, for wisdom will only be gained with application and obedience. To gather a head full of “wisdom” thoughts, never coupled with obedience to what God is saying to you, builds a spiritual egghead, for real wisdom is truth applied.
But the man who hides God’s Word in his heart and builds it into his soul with faithful obedience gains the great treasure. He becomes a wise man who knows God and can be greatly used by God to help others.
December 02, 2024
November 29, 2024
November 27, 2024