July 17, 2014
Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors, for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep. (Psalm 127:1-2)
Most believers live with a nagging suspicion that God doesn't like them very much. If we were to dissect that thought and its origins, we would realize that the great Liar, the Arch-Enemy of God, has been propagating that deception for centuries. And also, the ever-present-ness of our sin adds fuel to the fire. How could God like me when I keep failing?
But then we read the Bible, and if we read it fully, we realize that God is overwhelmed with an unceasing love for His children. You've met people (I hope you're one of them) who are intensely in love with their kids. They lavish things upon them, talk about them incessantly, try to give them all the best opportunities, and do everything they can for them.
It is hard for us to fathom because of our preconditioning, but that is God's affection for us and more. Think of it this way: His is a PERFECT love, not bogged down by sinful inconsistencies.
This is why David says that we do not need to worry about our provision and protection, for God "gives to His beloved even in his sleep." While you were sleeping, He was giving. He was thinking of you last night even when you were completely comatose and not thinking of Him at all. That is the 24-hour love of the Father for you. And He is not only loving you but also providing for you.
One morning, when I was reading this passage years ago, my wife had come to bed the previous night at 4 a.m. The reason? She was up making preparations for one of her children, who was leaving on an overseas trip. She was washing clothes and thinking through things her teenage daughter would not think of to help prepare her for her mission adventure. Why? It is because her mother's love knows no time clock.
We waste time worrying about the reality of God's affections for us. If you are one of His beloved children, you can rest soundly. He's providing, even while you sleep.
February 18, 2025
I have known many people who have had great joy and power in the midst of great suffering. It is humbling that the slightest inconveniences deter many of us from following God. We have not gotten to the bottom—settled the issue. Most often, we live for our comfort, reputation, or gain. When any of those goals are touched, we are troubled and discontent.
February 17, 2025
The repentant who finds God gains everything. “He who has God and everything else,” said C.S. Lewis, “has no more than he who has God alone.”
February 12, 2025
Repentance helps us. Repentance heals us. Repentance restores us and refreshes us. And these are all the outcomes a loving Father desires for His children.