by Bill Elliff
April 03, 2020
Ruth was faced with multiple choices where she could have chosen an easier path, a more selfish decision. But her continued submission to the will of God led her to be a great woman in God’s redemptive plan. She had no idea in the moment of the legacy that she would leave or the part she would play. She just decided to take the next steps in obedience to the Lord and service to her family. And God used her to save the world.
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by Bill Elliff
April 02, 2020
Where do you go to find help? When you are overwhelmed, where do you turn? When your way is unclear, whose guidance do you seek? When your resources are depleted, where do you go to find more than yourself?
Some has never even considered these questions. They simply plow forward, relying on the best human abilities they can muster. But every man has limits. We are not all-powerful and our resources are small. We are certainly not all-knowing, so our vision is short-sighted.
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by Bill Elliff
April 01, 2020
It is sad to lose something that you value … Your health. Your relationships. Your financial employment and possessions. Maybe even your home. Your ability to be with others.
But there is one loss that is greater than all the rest ...
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by Bill Elliff
March 31, 2020
If you believe God answers prayer, you will pray often and experience all the benefits of that arrangement with Him. But, if for some reason you think that prayer is meaningless—a mere shout into the wind—you will never communicate with God. And, in so doing, you will miss everything that matters and lasts.
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by Bill Elliff
March 30, 2020
God is waiting on us to come to our senses and cry out to Him. If we will turn in humble repentance, He will hear our cry and send the deliverance we need. If we continue to look to ourselves with prideful self-sufficiency, He will let us go on in our feeble self-help program to bring us to the end of ourselves. We are made to live on God and in His perfect love for us, He will use whatever means necessary to remind us.
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by Bill Elliff
March 27, 2020
You may not be handling tent pegs, but God has a part in His kingdom for you to play, regardless of who you are. But, like Deborah, Barak, and Jael, you must rise up and fulfill your role by following Him explicitly. Never underestimate how greatly God can use YOU, when you are humbly following HIM.
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by Bill Elliff
March 26, 2020
We are always one generation away from great loss. If we are not careful, we can hold important values but never successfully pass them on to those who come behind us. And the results are always disastrous. This pattern has been repeated through countless generations.
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by Bill Elliff
March 25, 2020
It has always been our great dilemma. From the beginning of time right up to this hour we have wrestled between which gods we will serve. We have been tempted since the Garden to find any alternative other than the Lord God Himself. And we have bitten hard and fast at the Enemies bait. He is unconcerned about which god we follow, just as long as we do not follow the Lord God Jehovah.
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by Bill Elliff
March 24, 2020
God knows how things are to operate. He has a plan for our lives and for His people and His kingdom. When we humbly follow His plan all is well. But when we violate His plan we miss what is best. And God is jealous for us to follow Him explicitly. He knows that if we miss this, we miss everything that matters and lasts.
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by Bill Elliff
March 20, 2020
Hard times happen … places where our back is against the wall and there seems to be no solution, nowhere to go. When our way has been thwarted or the path seemingly closed. When everything seems impossible and confusing. So, what do we do?
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by Bill Elliff
March 19, 2020
Everybody wants to be successful. Some achieve success in the eyes of the world. But how can we be a success in the eyes of God? How can we so live that eternity counts our lives as successful?
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by Bill Elliff
March 18, 2020
All of us feel insecure at times. The confusion in our souls, the darkness of the world, the press of problems and difficulties can overwhelm us. We become fearful and stressed.
But for those who have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, there is no need for anxiety; no cause for fear. God Himself is our refuge.
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