by Bill Elliff
May 08, 2020
Our relationship with God is totally dependent on hearing. We must hear Him. Most don’t. We have allowed the world’s noise to so permeate us that our ears are rarely attuned to the “still small voice.” Spiritual indifference and rebellion clog our ears. God is speaking all the time (even the heavens and earth speak continually), but we do not hear. This is our greatest tragedy.
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by Bill Elliff
May 07, 2020
We are the central subject of most our thoughts and conversation. This preoccupation indicates a self-observed life which is our greatest problem. Worried about what people think of who we are, what we look like, and what we’ve done, we place the “I” in the forefront unconsciously. It is not wrong to think about ourselves if we do not forget the Divine pronoun. If we lose its usage, we lose everything.
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by Bill Elliff
May 06, 2020
There is nothing more wonderful than knowing you have pleased someone you love. If there is one whose opinion you value at home, or work, or in a relationship, you long to do that which blesses them, that brings a smile to their heart and a “Well done!” to their lips.
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by Bill Elliff
May 05, 2020
It is our worst trait and most natural tendency. Although God has made Himself abundantly known, we ignore Him and “worship and serve the creature and not the Creator” (Romans 1:25). Life becomes about us and not about Him. This diverted vision affects us in ways beyond our comprehension. It narrows our view and confines our lives. It is the source of all pettiness and selfishness. It is the sole source of our worry and fear.
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by Bill Elliff
May 04, 2020
You can ignore Gods Word and resist God’s Spirit control in your life. But be assured of this: you have chosen a deadly path and you will find yourself established on that road. But you can choose to follow Christ. You can love His Word and gladly yield to His Spirit. The result over time is a life established on the right path. And soon you will find yourself running with the wind at your back, for you will be free!
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by Bill Elliff
May 01, 2020
Every genuine follower of Christ wants a pure life, free from the impurities and distractions that destroy us and pull us away from "simple, pure, devotion to Jesus Christ." But, what is the path to purity? Not just moral purity, but holiness in every dimension? Most people believe it comes by observing some rules, following some guidelines. But the secret lies in pursuing someone, not something.
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by Bill Elliff
April 30, 2020
It is important to ask the right questions. Even more important is to have those questions answered with truth. We can embrace error, of course, and it will dramatically affect our lives. The most important questions we must ask and answers are those about God and man and our relationship to each other.
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by Bill Elliff
April 29, 2020
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by Bill Elliff
April 28, 2020
Will the Lord find us as men and women—and even leaders—who will admit our sin, humble ourselves, and cry out for God's mercy? Or will we move forward in unrelenting pride? If we turn and pray, He has promised to hear and heal.
It’s time to build an altar of fresh repentance and humble surrender to the Lord. It’s time to pray for the land.
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by Bill Elliff
April 24, 2020
There is nothing quite so devious as moral impurity. But there is also nothing quite so predictable. Our great Enemy knows that he doesn’t have to be creative with immorality. The bait is so strong that it just needs to be placed within our reach. If we do not immediately apply God’s remedy, we will be ensnared. Sweet for a moment, the end results are always excruciating.
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by Bill Elliff
April 23, 2020
Do you worship God? Are you willing to be humbled before others because you simply do not care what they think? Do you come before Him with total abandonment? One of the indicators will be your critics. Worldly humanists will scoff at your worship, indicating that they don’t really know your God. But those who know Him will join in the dance beside you … and God Himself will smile.
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by Bill Elliff
April 22, 2020
God is forever the same, but what do you know of Him? Have you discovered Him? Experienced Him? Don't resent the suffering God allows in your life, for this pushes you to discover Him. But as the pressure has risen, have you relied on your own human abilities alone, or have you run in helplessness to the Rock? Only then will God become real to you. Only there will you discover the bottomless depth of God’s power, the abounding height of His love, the width of His wisdom, the breadth of His character.
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