by Bill Elliff
May 29, 2020
The last months have been filled with countless opinions of how we should view and respond to our national (and international) tragedy. Health and government officials have interpreted for us the nature of the problem and the potential solutions. We have been fixated on these reports each day and we have been directed by men’s opinions and best ideas.
All of this is good and helpful. But where is the Divine Voice? Are we hearing God’s opinions of these days and turning to Him for Divine solutions?
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by Bill Elliff
May 26, 2020
Most people have a hard time acknowledging this most foundational truth. To say that God loves people implies that God loves them, and for many, it doesn’t feel like this compassion exists.
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by Bill Elliff
May 22, 2020
What is God's process when one of His children fall into sin? Does He simply walk away? Ignore the sin, even if it has disastrous consequences? Does He leave us forever? What does He do?
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by Bill Elliff
May 21, 2020
Physical hunger is an essential drive placed in us by God Himself. Without it, we would die from malnourishment in a matter of weeks. What is true in the physical is also true in the spiritual. If you are not hungry spiritually you will never grow. And if you never grow, you will never be used by God to grow others. The work of God will end in your generation as far as you are concerned.
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by Bill Elliff
May 20, 2020
We love our own way. Because of this self-affinity and pride, we have an aversion to those who point in a different direction, particularly if it becomes personal. Our nation right now has a very sharp division. Without question, those who take a Biblical worldview can expect to be hated and even persecuted for their beliefs.
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by Bill Elliff
May 19, 2020
How would you describe yourself? Answering this question is very important. We go to extremes: some think too little of themselves and some too much. Finding God’s path for your life entails coming to understand who you are and why you were created. What a tragedy to live your whole life and never discover why you were here.
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by Bill Elliff
May 18, 2020
God is always providing for His children because He is a God of perfect love. In Luke 15 the prodigal ran away and became impoverished, but the Father had all the provision He needed waiting for him if he would just repent and return. God is not interesting in withholding from His children, He's interested in coming to us, instructing us, and us responding in faithful obedience to what He instructs.
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by Bill Elliff
May 15, 2020
If you want the possibility of losing it all and affecting many generations that follow you, hold tightly to your sin. If you long for an enduring legacy of a faithful life until the end, release the hold on your sin. It cannot substitute for what God can give.
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by Bill Elliff
May 14, 2020
t is a tendency born out of our natural self-centeredness. If not careful, we tend to make decisions based merely on how it will help us—advance our cause or comfort. We do this as individuals and we can do it as nations.
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by Bill Elliff
May 13, 2020
There is something more deadly than your worst enemy, more lethal than poison. And it is on front page display in our nation and often in our own lives.
Pride is the mother of all sins. The thought that I am the sum of everything … that I made things, achieved things on my own, have a right to honor and recognition, should be thought well of by others...the list goes on and on. It’s all pride. And it’s all deadly.
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by Bill Elliff
May 13, 2020
The Bible is full of promises (over 7,000). It is God’s operating system. He commands us to do something, promising a great reward when we obey. If you think clearly about this and know something about the nature of God, you will understand that this is all for our good. God is not trying to rule over us to merely show His power … He’s seeking to help those He’s created find the best path for their lives.
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by Bill Elliff
May 11, 2020
It took my several years. I tried living on my own power and wisdom for most of my teenage years. It was a complete disaster. I was miserable. I made dumb mistakes and I had no power to overcome even the smallest sins.
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